Wednesday 27 September 2017

Walk like and Egyptian.... Mummy

It's coming up to Halloween and we all know the elves sometimes like to drop by and put in an appearance.

What do you do though when they've left their costume in the North Pole and you only have a few hours to get them dressed!!

Mummy Time!

What you'll need:

Bandage ( I find a good stretchy crepe bandage is best)

Yep that's it - simple

Step 1

Start wrapping...and wrapping...and wrapping.

Try to keep your bandage pulled reasonably tight throughout it will make it easier.

I tend to start at the legs and work my up way one...down the other...then back up again around the middle then repeat with arms.

If you find it easier you can also cut the bandage into strips to use on the legs/arms but I just keep wrapping as really a mummy can look a bit bulky in patches.

Once you're done have fun setting your elf up in various positions ready to celebrate Halloween!

more tutorials coming soon!

Thursday 1 September 2016

Feeling Wired - a Guide to wiring your Elf

Our tutorial this week focuses on wiring your elf so you can put them in all sorts of positions and antic scenes.

Don't be scared by the thought of wiring - I promise it's easy and once done you'll have heaps of fun!

Here we go!

What you'll need:

Scissors - forgot them in the picture!
Wire - you can use a range of wire - floral wire is easily obtainable - 12-14 gauge wire is best.
Pliers - needle nose is the best choice
Seam ripper

Step 1

You start by opening the seams of your elf:
 x4 (2 hands and 2 feet) and then in step 2 you'll release a couple of the joint stitches of your elf (x4 - elbows and knees)

**be sure to read to the end for another option of wire inserting placement

use the seam ripper by placing it under each thread and gently rip it open - you'll only need to do 3-4 stitches

Step 2

You'll also need to rip a couple of the 'joint' stitches - on the elf arms and legs - do this x4 times
this is so the wire can travel up the arms/legs

Step 3

Righto- you're elf is ready for the wire - so pop him (her) down and measure the legs and arms to get your wire length.

By my measurements elves legs are 15cm and arms are 12cm

So I cut my wire into :

x2 17cm lengths for the legs 

x2 14cm lengths for the arms

The extra couple of CM is to allow for the curling of the wire so that you don't get sharp bits poking out .

Step 4

Now that your wire is cut - you want to take your pliers and grip a piece of wire at the very end - give the pliers a twist to curl the wire back over on itself.  you'll end up with a little loop at the end.

Repeat this step on all your wire end (so 8 times in total)

Step 5

The fun bit!

You've now got 4 bits of wire with looped ends 

Grab one of the arm wires and start placing it into your elf - you might have to jiggle it around a little to get it to slide it - this is normal due to the stuffing.  A few jiggles and it will slide up the arm into position.

You can have a bit of play to make sure the wire is in the position you're happiest with then poke it in fully ready to sew the seam closed

Now it's up to you when you start sewing - but I personally do all my wire stuffing first then sew all the limbs up at once....

Step 6

continue inserting wire...other arm and then legs

Don't worry if the wire pops out a bit you can use your pliers to help push it in properly if your fingers don't fit :-)

Step 7

Sewing time!

You can sew up your seams using whatever stitch you're most comfortable with - I personally think ladder stitch is the best as it hides the stitches and you essentially won't see where you opened the seams up.

a ladder stitch goes like this:

This You tube video is a great quick demo of how to do ladder stitch: LADDER STITCH DEMO

to start sewing I insert my needle somewhere under where I want the stitch to start - this allows me to pull the thread through and then securing it where I want to start (the end of the thread gets hidden in the body of the elf)

Pull the needle through and out at the opening of your open seam

Secure the base of the thread  with a small knot and start your ladder movement

Once you've closed the seam you can tie off the stitch to secure it - then I like to pull my needle out further down the arm - this helps to hide the thread and secure the stitching're done!

Step 8

Repeat another 3 times on the remaining limbs

Step 9

Have fun bending your elf into all sorts of positions!!


Step 10

But Wait...there's more!!!
If you're worried about inserting wire into the end of the hands and feet...maybe worried about your hand stitching...etc...then I have another option for you!

Instead of opening up the end of the hands/feet you can instead rip the seams of each arm along the back of the arm just down from the shoulder joint.

and the same place for the legs - just down for the bottom along the back seam

The steps for how to do it are exactly the same the only difference is that you'll open his arms/legs up in a different place.

You'll still need to open the joint seams up and then it's the same method for placement and closing .

any questions please don't hesitate to contact via:

Thank you and happy wiring!

Thursday 25 August 2016

Make a Miniature Suitcase Accessory Tutorial

This weeks it's all about travel!

Let's make a mini suitcase for your elf. I chose to concentrate on a 'prop' suitcase; one that doesn't open BUT at the end there is a couple of pictures to show you can also easily make one that does open.

Let's get started!

You'll need:

A box/container/item that is rectangular in shape that looks 'suitcasy' - I chose a tic tac container as it's a good size for elves.
Hot Glue Gun - or craft glue though it will take longer to dry
Sticky tape
paper to cover
marker pen

Step 1

Cut paper so that it will wrap around the Container and cover it - much like wrapping a parcel

use the sticky tape to hold it in place then glue the 'flap down.

I like to make sure my 'join' is at the top of the container. This helps to give the suitcase illusion.

Step 2

Fold in your sides like a parcel - being sure they don't overlap.  you want them to stay on the side only and not show on the front.

Step 3

Cut some ribbon for so that it wraps around the box as shown - leave a little 'flap' on one end so that it looks like the bag can be opened and has been strapped shut.

Step 4

(I forgot to take a picture of the 'doing bit)...but you cut a small bit of ribbon to use as the handle and glue to the top - allow enough room for your elves hand to fit under.

Step 5 

If you want to add some extra detail you can grab your market and drawer corners on the suitcase


Once you've made won't be able to stop - let your imagination run wild!!

Cover in leather and add some wire details
don't have ribbon? don't worry a marker makes a great fix

String in a great stand in too!

If you want a suitcase that opens I suggest getting hold of a hinged tin - often you can find them in the supermarket with mints in them.

I covered this one with fabric and ribbon to make ties - paper would work too or paints :-)


Thank you for stopping by - you can contact us anytime at or pop over to our facebook page : Elf Accessories

Next Week - Step by Step on how to wire you elf